With the partnership of DHV, the Netherlands, FCG POVVIK elaborated the Manual for Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programs in Bulgaria, officially approved by the Ministry of Environment and Water.
From 2007 till now, the company has developed and continues to develop the Strategic Environmental Assessments of the majority of the Operational Programs, which serve as road maps for the allocation of EU funds supporting the development of Bulgaria. Our team also works on SEA of various strategic plans and programs on national and/or regional level. In cases of likely impact on protected areas from the National Ecological Network / NATURA 2000, we also elaborate Appropriate Assessments (AA) as part of the SEA Report.
As part of the SEA procedure, FCG POVVIK elaborates:
- Request for assessment of the necessity of SEA and AA (Screening)
- Terms of Reference for SEA report (Scoping) and scheme for conducting of consultations
- SEA and AA report
- Public awareness and consultations with stakeholders in the SEA process and organisation and holding of public hearings, if necessary
- Presentation of EIA/ESIA to Environmental Expert Council for taking of decision on the report by the competent authority (Ministry of Environment and Water or Regional Inspectorate on Environment and Water)
Our projects in this service area include:
- Environmental assessments of national strategies and programs for regional development and transport infrastructure development
- Environmental assessments of master plans
- Environmental assessments of river basin management plans
- Environmental assessments of flood risk management plans
- Environmental assessments of waste management programs at national or municipal level
- Environmental assessments of detailed spatial plans
- Environmental assessments related to marine strategies and management plans.
Vanya Chenova, Head of Environmental Assessments
Katya Ancheva, Head of Appropriate Assessments