With the partnership of DHV, the Netherlands, FCG POVVIK elaborated the Methodological Guidance on Environmental Impact Assessment for Investment Proposals in Bulgaria, officially approved by the Ministry of Environment and Water.
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) / Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) are key services in FCG POVVIK’s portfolio. In cases of likely impact on protected areas from the National Ecological Network / NATURA 2000, we also develop Appropriate Assessments (AA) as part of the EIA/ESIA Report. We prepare the assessments in accordance with the requirements of the national and European legislation and the standards of the international financial institutions, including:
- Notification for investment proposal
- Request for assessment of the necessity of EIA/ESIA and AA (Screening)
- Terms of Reference for EIA/ESIA (Scoping)
- EIA/ESIA Report and AA Report
- Stakeholder Engagement Plan
- Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan
- Risk Assessment
- Public awareness and consultations with stakeholders in the EIA/ESIA and AA processes and organisation and holding of public hearings
- Presentation of EIA/ESIA to Environmental Expert Council for taking of decision on the report by the competent authority (Ministry of Environment and Water or Regional Inspectorate on Environment and Water).
The company has extensive experience in conducting EIAs of investment projects in the following sectors:
- Energy generation and transmission (gas pipelines, electric transmission lines, renewable energy projects)
- Chemicals
- Mining
- Pharmaceuticals
- Transport (airports, roads, railways, marine transport, port infrastructure)
- Water infrastructure – water supply and sewerage networks and facilities, dams
- Agriculture
- Manufacturing.
Svetla Traycheva, Head of Environmental Impact Assessments
Katya Ancheva, Head of Appropriate Assessments